
Over the 23 years of its existence, the Institute has issued more than 60 scientific publications that have become the result of the scientific and research activities of the Institute. In addition, IICAS has been publishing the journal IICAS for more than 10 years. The journal is published twice a year in Russian and English, and is on the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of Uzbekistan. All publications of the Institute are distributed free of charge and are available to everyone. IICAS, independently or in cooperation with UNESCO, organizes international scientific conferences in which dozens of leading scientists from Central Asia and the world have already taken part. Many of the IICAS publications are bilingual and are prepared in English and Russian.


TARTARIA on the Great Silk Road

ISBN: 978-9943-357-75-4;
Era: R.M. Valeev;
Country: Russia;

The monograph is a comprehensive study at the intersection of archaeology, anthropology, economics, history, connecting the Bulgar and Golden Horde Volga-Urals with the Muslim and Chinese East, Northern and Western Europe, the Finno-Ugric North and Russia. The subject of the analysis is the trade of the Bulgars and the Golden Horde merchants and their role on the northern corridors of the Great Silk Road. The evolution of trade, the influence on its development of political processes, urbanization and contacts with the population of the Volga-Ural region, coin hoards and monetary weight systems are examined in detail.This study is intended for students of historical specialties, specialists in the field of archeology and trade of the Middle Ages and everyone interested in the history of Volga Bulgaria, the Golden Horde and the peoples of Russia.

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The Mausoleum of Jochi-Khan: The History of Research

ISBN: 978-9943-357-74-7;
Country: Kazakhstan;

The collective monograph "The Mausoleum of Jochi-Khan: The History of Research" presents a comprehensive analysis on the study of the mausoleum of Jochi-Khan of the Golden Horde. The idea of the book in memory of the architect restorer E.H. Khorosh (01.08.1957-18.10.2018) belongs to E.R. Usmanova. The publication is equipped with rich illustrative material and is intended for historians, humanities and all those who are interested in culture, historical past of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

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Art metal of Bukhara and Bukhara oasis of the 7th-14th centuries.

ISBN: 978-978-9943-357-76-1;
Era: A. I. Torgoev, J. K. Mirzaakhmedov, B. G. Kurbanov;
Country: Uzbekistan;

The publication is devoted to the study of art metal of Bukhara and Bukhara oasis of the VIII-XIV centuries. Products from non-ferrous metal are considered against the broad background of the development of art metalwork of the Middle East and the peoples of the steppe belt. Much attention is paid to the formation of styles and ornamental compositions of certain categories of metalwork. The book is intended for archaeologists, historians, art historians and all those interested in the medieval culture of Maverannahr.

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Ancient Korea in the Arabic and Persian Manuscripts

ISBN: 978-9943-357-73-0;
Era: Hee Soo Lee, Mohammad Bagher Vosoughi;
Country: Korea;

The book has become an outcome of a five-year co-research of Professor Hee Soo Lee(Republic of Korea) and Professor Mohammad Vosoughi (Islamic Republic of Iran) based on the study of Arabic, Persian and East Asian sources supported by Laboratory Program for Korean Studies through the Ministry of Education of Republic of Korea and Korean Studies Promotion Service of The Academy of Korean Studies.

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