31 of the IICAS Bulletin

31 of the IICAS Bulletin

31 of the IICAS Bulletin

08/10 2021


The International Institute for Central Asian Studies (IICAS) presents Issue 31 of the IICAS Bulletin.
The new issue of the Bulletin offers the readers many research reports on a wide variety of subjects - from the Sogdian fabrics and medieval pottery, to Muslim fine arts and Turkmen crafts, to modern archeology and architecture of the pre-Soviet and Soviet times. The Bulletin also contains the discourse which was first announced by the editorial staff a year ago.
Traditionally, an individual chapter of the IICAS Bulletin is dedicated to eminent scholars of the Central Asian region.  
Besides, the Institute has provided a brief overview of its activities over the past year.
The downloadable electronic version of Issue 31 of the IICAS Bulletin is available at the following link: https://www.unesco-iicas.org/book/138
