Scientific and Methodological Council in the city of Kyzylorda.

Scientific and Methodological Council in the city of Kyzylorda.

Scientific and Methodological Council in the city of Kyzylorda.

21/11 2019

Scientific and Methodological Council for Protection and Use of the Historical and Cultural Heritage of Kyzylorda Region took place on November 21 in the city of Kyzylorda.

Scientific and Methodological Council for Protection and Use of the Historical and Cultural Heritage of Kyzylorda Region took place on November 21 in the city of Kyzylorda. Presentations of scholars and researchers that are implementing the archaeological works in the Kyzylorda Region were given during the meeting. Presentation of the Director of IICAS D. Voyakin generated an intense discussion. He presented several projects implemented by the Institute, among which the work of the International Kazakh-Uzbek Archeological Expedition took its deserved place.
The demonstration of the artifacts found during the archaeological excavations on the territory of the ancient settlements of Kyuyk-kesken-kala and Sygnak was also made during the event. As part of this exhibition the researchers were demonstrating the jewels of XIII-XIV centuries found in one of the mausoleums of the ancient settlement of Sygnak. It is a unique complex of the woman’s jewels that has only several analogue pieces: earrings, delicate buttons, amulet holder, pearlescent beads. The original pieces of the architectural decor of the mausoleums of Sygnak including the mosaic patters, which has no analogue pieces, were also presented.
During the exhibition IICAS has shown its new publications that were a subject of the big interest among the participations of the event.
