
Over the 23 years of its existence, the Institute has issued more than 60 scientific publications that have become the result of the scientific and research activities of the Institute. In addition, IICAS has been publishing the journal IICAS for more than 10 years. The journal is published twice a year in Russian and English, and is on the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of Uzbekistan. All publications of the Institute are distributed free of charge and are available to everyone. IICAS, independently or in cooperation with UNESCO, organizes international scientific conferences in which dozens of leading scientists from Central Asia and the world have already taken part. Many of the IICAS publications are bilingual and are prepared in English and Russian.

The cities and routes of the Great Silk Road (On Central Asia documents)

Era: Buryakov Y.F., BaipakovK.M.,Tashbayeva K.I., Yakubov Y.;
Country: Uzbekistan;

Present publication is focused on the history of the cities and urban cultures of the Central Asian Region on the Great Silk Road. Its authors have attempted to localize the ancient and medieval cities with the use of the new historical, archaeological and topographic data, as well as medieval written sources. Publication also concentrates on such issues as location of the mountain passes, architectural features and inner topography of caravanserais.

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Largest sufi brotherhoods of Central Asia

Era: Arif Usman;
Country: Uzbekistan;

Present publication describes one of the greatest Muslim spiritual movements – Sufism. Its representatives – Sufi, were living in the isolated places far from the agitated world. Sufism was based on the concept of spiritual understanding of Allah and the idea of limitless love of God. This movement also known as tassavvuf had various branches and schools, largest of which on the territory of Central Asia are described here in details.

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