Catalogue of Sogdian Writings in Central Asia

Catalogue of Sogdian Writings in Central Asia

Catalogue of Sogdian Writings in Central Asia

28/12 2022


IICAS carried out inventory activities on Sogdian scriptures found in the territory of Central Asia as the first step for implementation of the regional strategy on multinational nomination of the documentary heritage to the international register of the UNESCO”s “Memory of the World” Programme. “Catalogue of Sogdian Writings in Central Asia” covers more than 90 artefacts of documentary heritage found during archaeological excavations in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The inventory card covers following features: (1) archaeological context (where and under what circumstances the artifact was discovered); (2) physical description of the monument; (3) current storage (where and under what conditions the find is stored); (4) transliteration of a fragment of the Sogdian script; (5) translation of a fragment of the Sogdian script; (6) comments on a fragment of the Sogdian script; (7) bibliography and (8) illustrations. IICAS invited scholars from following academic institutions and universities for joint collaboration in inventory studies: Samarkand State University, State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Institute of History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanity. The project was implemented under the 2022 ACC-MOWCAP Small Grants Programme.

An electronic version of the book is available at the following link:
