IICAS website update


The International Institute for Central Asian Studies (IICAS) continues to update its webpage https://www.unesco-iicas.org/, with a new extensive resource section titled Our Websites added recently. Diverse and abundant information will soon be available in the new information unit designed as a set of separate websites. The first electronic database added to the new section was the IICAS project Archives of Central Asia (ACA).

The ACA project aims to digitise unpublished archives of academic studies and further use them to create a single Central Asian database, which will widely accessible and provide convenient and quick search for necessary information and quick access to scanned works.

The materials collected as part of the Archives of Central Asia project form a database and are uploaded to the website www.archiveca-iicas.org.

The Our Websites section is soon to be expanded through addition of new interesting and important information units, which will be announced in separate publications on Facebook and Linkedin social networks.
