Chaghatayid Coinage of XIVth century AD in the hoards reflection: two new hoards from Central Mawara'annahr: Historical and typological studies

Chaghatayid Coinage of XIVth century AD in the hoards reflection: two new hoards from Central Mawara'annahr: Historical and typological studies

Chaghatayid Coinage of XIVth century AD in the hoards reflection: two new hoards from Central Mawara'annahr: Historical and typological studies

05/03 2021

Chaghatayid Coinage of XIVth century AD in the hoards reflection: two new hoards from Central Mawara'annahr: Historical and typological studies

A joint monograph by A. Kh. Atakhodzhaev and G. N. Kurbanov “Chaghatayid Coinage of XIVth century AD in the hoards reflection: two new hoards from Central Mawara'annahr: Historical and typological studies” is being processed for publication by the International Institute for Central Asian Studies (IICAS).

The study has become possible thanks to a unique opportunity. The Uzbekistan’s state museum funds have been recently expanded with two significant coin complexes - the silver coins of Chagatai Ulus from the Bukhara oasis (over 800 pieces, of which at least 50% are understudied silver coins of the senior denomination – dinars) and an absolutely unique vast treasure of silver-plated copper coins from Samarkand province (over 2000 copies), received in the funds of the Bukhara and Samarkand museums. The study of these hoards, carried out by the authors of this project, revealed the need to combine them for a comprehensive study. Further progress in Islamic numismatics has given rise to new methodological approaches, the application of which, on the basis of recently accumulated data, provides new information about the economic history of the region. And in combination with the use of previously known information databases, this creates an opportunity for a new, more comprehensive analysis of the Chagatayid coins to be presented in the project’s final publication.

The publication is being compiled in English and is scheduled to be released in late 2021.
