05/05 2020

This year, the Bulletin of IICAS celebrates its 15th anniversary.

This year, the Bulletin of IICAS celebrates its 15th anniversary. Since 2005, 28 issues have been published biannually and after a pause last year, a long-awaited rebranded dual issue for 2019 has been prepared. This applies not only to the form, but mainly to the content. The journal has set the goal of publishing materials of a wider thematic range, based on an interdisciplinary study of existing problems and trends in Central Asian studies. In addition to the traditional set of articles on historic sciences, the journal will strive to publish original texts on cultural studies and sociology of culture, architecture, art history, languages and religions of the peoples of the region.
The renewed focus of the journal will require the authors to be international experts and analysts with particular professional interest in Central Asia. An effort will be made to reflect a wide range of opinions of various experts, so that the readers could get a comprehensive idea of the subject of their interest, also through discussions. The list of thematic sections of the journal will comprise not only the publication of the outcomes of specific studies, but also controversy, criticism and bibliography of new sources. This will allow readers to track and evaluate all the critical research matters of the history and contemporary culture of Central Asian countries.

Now each issue of the Bulletin of IICAS will be published separately in Russian and English with electronic version available for download on the Institute’s website. In order for articles in the journal to be recognized by leading Scientometric Databases (Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), Scopus, Web of Science), the website of IICAS will be added to the card index of the main search engines, such as Google and Yandex, where the publications will later be located and indexed. The editors are still ready to cooperate with the regular authors of the journal and are open to new, especially young specialists. Guidelines to prepare articles for publication can be found here: (…/%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BD%D0…).
