The final event of the project “Traditional Bukharian Jewish Houses and Mahallas: Documentation and Conservation Guidelines”.

The final event of the project “Traditional Bukharian Jewish Houses and Mahallas: Documentation and Conservation Guidelines”.

The final event of the project “Traditional Bukharian Jewish Houses and Mahallas: Documentation and Conservation Guidelines”.

04/05 2023


On 3 May we celebrated the closing event of the partnership between the World Monuments Fund, the IICAS and the Bukhara State University in Bukhara in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Bukhara brought together the representatives of the regional Khokimiyat of Bukhara, the Bukhara Regional Authority for Cultural Heritage and several partners, including UNESCO Tashkent Office, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, mahalla leaders, the school 36 located in the historic centre to share the results of the joint three years project “Traditional Bukharian Jewish Houses and Mahallas: Documentation and Conservation Guidelines”.

Results presented during the event included the cultural mapping documentary: Three Houses, Three Stories, One Bukhara, the Inventory of Traditional Bukharian Jewish Houses and the Guidelines on Maintenance, Conservation and Adaptive Reuse for Residents and House Owners of the Historic Centre of Bukhara.

IICAS thanks the generous support provided by the David Berg Foundation and Tianaderrah Foundation / Nellie and Robert Gipson, and the WMF.

#wmf #iicas #Bukhara #World Heritage #vernaculararchitecture

