
Atlas of Central Asia Artistic Crafts and Trades. Vol. I. Uzbekistan

Авторы: Khakimov A., Akilova K, Alieva S; Издатель: Sharq; Язык: English; Количество страниц: 223; Эпоха: 19-20th centuries; Страна: Узбекистан; Ключевые слова: Uzbek folk artisanship, ethnography, traditional crafts, history of development, current state, 19-20th centuries;

The publication reflects the history of development and the current state of affairs in Uzbek folk artisanship. On the basis of great ethnographic and archive material, the authors give an account of such traditional crafts, as pottery, brass embossing, jewellery, woodcarving, wooden utensils production, alabaster carving, mural painting, papier-mache painting and others. Great attention has been paid to the production of national music instruments, carpets, decoration materials, leather goods and knives. The book contains a detailed analysis of decorative embroidery with gilded laces, one of the most striking examples of Uzbek folk art. The book is written in English and is well illustrated with color and b/w photos of today as well as of the 19-20th centuries. This publication is the first volume in a series devoted to folk arts and crafts of Central Asian people.

The Cities and Routes of the Great Silk Road

Авторы: Buryakov Yu.F. Baipakov K.M.; Издатель: Sharq; Язык: English; Количество страниц: 128; Эпоха: Ancient-Medieval; Страна: Узбекистан; Ключевые слова: the Great Silk Road, routes, towns, urban culture, historical, archaeological and topographic data, passes and crossroads, caravanserais;

The book is focused on the cities and urban culture on  the routes of the Great Silk Road (GSR). A particular attention is paid to the GSR routes within the Central Asian region. Relying on historical, archaeological and topographic data, the authors have attempted to localize ancient and medieval cities and to verify new data with medieval written sources. Among other issues the publication is focused upon, are: location of mountain        passes and crossroads, architectural features and inner topography of caravanserais. The book will be of interest to all those interested in the history of GSR and culture of Central Asian people.

Sogdian Palace of Ikhshids in Afrasiab

Авторы: Akhunbabaev Kh.G.; Издатель: Saraton-Khamar; Язык: Russian; Количество страниц: 111; Эпоха: the 7-8th centuries; Страна: Узбекистан; Ключевые слова: Afrasiab, Samarkand, early Middle Ages, archaeological research, stratigraphy of cultural layers, socio-topographic structure of architectural remains, numismatics, religious cult;

The publication is devoted to the results of a long archaeological research on the Afrasiab site (ancient Samarkand) conducted in the 1980s. Excavations enabled the author to identify the stratigraphy of cultural layers in the central part of the site, to clarify historical data, as well as socio-topographic structure of  architectural remains of the early Middle Ages. The author identified the time of creation of unique mural paintings, and analyzed new numismatic material and the material on ideology and religious cults of early medieval Samarkand.

Largest Sufi Brotherhoods of Central Asia

Авторы: Arif Usman; Издатель: Saraton-Khamar; Язык: Russian; Количество страниц: 0; Эпоха: the Middle Ages; Страна: Узбекистан; Ключевые слова: Sufism, Middle Ages, Sheikh, Hamadani, Nakshbandi, Yassavi, Kubra;

The book describes the greatest Muslim spiritual movement, Sufism, born in the Middle Ages, which representatives, Sufi, lived in isolated places far from the agitated world. Sufism was based on the concept of spiritual understanding of Allah, the idea of limitless love of God. This movement, tassavuf, has various branches and schools, which are described in detail. The book touches upon the teachings of such great Sufi as Sheikh Yusuf Hamadani, Bahouddin Nakhshband, Hoja Ahmed Yassavi, Hakim Ata, Zangi Ata Himmati, Sheikh Najmeddin Kubra, Yunus Emre and others.

Atlas of CentralAsian artistic crafts and trades V.2 Kazakhstan

Авторы: Baypakov K., Kukashev; Издатель: Publishing house of Medical literature, Tashkent; Язык: English; Количество страниц: 159; Эпоха: the 19-20th centuries; Страна: Узбекистан; Ключевые слова: Kazakh folk artisanship, ethnography, traditional crafts, history of development, current state, 19-20th centuries;

The book reflects the history of development of Kazakh artisanship. In the first part, great attention is paid to the genesis and the ancient history of crafts and folk art on the territory of Kazakhstan. Analyzing archaeological material the authors try to identify the sources of unique art, that combines traits typical to sedentary and nomadic cultures. Unique finds of pottery, bronze, silver and gold jewellery are carefully examined and interpreted from the viewpoint of development of the steppe and oasis cultures of Kazakhstan. The second part of the book covers such Kazakh crafts as processing of and the production of goods made of leather, wood, ivory, stone, metal in the 19th – 20th centuries. The third part of  the book is devoted to the current state of affairs in Kazakh artisanship. Rich ethnographic material has enabled the authors  to identify centres and schools of folk art and crafts. The language of the publication is accessible to non-specialists and the book is well illustrated with color and b/w photos as well as maps as well as of  the 19-20th centuries. This publication is the first volume in a series devoted to folk arts and crafts of Central Asian people.

Religious and spiritual monuments of Central Asia

Авторы: Khashimov M.; Издатель: *; Язык: Russian; Количество страниц: 0; Эпоха: the Middle Ages; Страна: Узбекистан; Ключевые слова: religious and spiritual monuments, Central Asia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Samarkand;

The book summarizes material available in written sources regarding religious and spiritual Monuments of Central Asia. Most fully covered are the monuments of Uzbekistan and Southern Kazakhstan, in particular those of Samarkand. The book presents two maps: “Religious and         spiritual monuments of Central Asia” and  “Religious and spiritual monuments of Samarkand”. The book also uses author’s own field materials, gathered on the territory of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.

Petroglyphs of Central Asia

Авторы: Tashbayeva K., Ranov V.; Издатель: Bishkek; Язык: English; Количество страниц: 219; Эпоха: Antiquity; Страна: Узбекистан; Ключевые слова: petroglyphs, ancient spiritual and material culture, Central Asia, style and technique of drawings ;

This publication discusses such interesting area of archaeology as rock art (petroglyphs). Rock art is one of the most widespread, interesting and at the same time enigmatic monuments of ancient culture. They are almost omnipresent. Apart from their aesthetic value, they contain rich data on spiritual and material culture, religious concepts and cults, relationship between people and their world. At the same time rock drawings are the only source of research of the roots and development of ancient visual art. This is the first book published in Central Asia that contains the main data on the most important collections of rock drawing in the whole region. It discusses the time of their creation, and interprets a lot of interesting themes and subjects. The book is well-illustrated. All this enables researches and those who are interested in rock art to examine various drawings and to track differences and common features of the rock drawings of mountainous Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan as well as of Kazakh and Uzbek steppes. One can compare the style and the technique of these drawings, scattered around the diverse landscape of Central Asia.

Atlas of Central Asian artistic crafts and trades, Vol. 3– Kyrgyzstan

Авторы: Жапаров А., Сулайманов Е., Ведутова; Издатель: *; Язык: English; Количество страниц: 175; Эпоха: the 19-20th centuries; Страна: Узбекистан; Ключевые слова: Кыргызское народное ремесленничество, этнография, традиционные ремесла, история развития, современное состояние, 19-20 века;

Издание состоит из двух частей. Первая часть посвящена предметам древнего и средневекового искусства, оставленным населением, которое оккупировало территорию Кыргызстана в эпоху бронзы, а позднее - ранними кочевниками саксами и усунями, позже - древними и поздними турками. Это великолепные образцы древних украшений, сделанные из бронзы, золота, слоновой кости, часто с вкраплениями драгоценных камней и драгоценных камней в различных сварочных и других методах обработки металла. Есть также оружие, керамика, предметы культа, различная утварь, изготовленная с большим мастерством и мастерством, которая в большинстве случаев поднимается до уровня искусства. Вторая часть публикации посвящена кыргызскому народному искусству и ремеслу, в том числе уникальной архитектурной форме юрты, которую легко было собрать и использовать, и которая часто была щедро украшена. Есть также красивые части вожжи, уздечки и замечательные украшения.

Proceedings of the International Conference “Civilizations of Nomadic and Sedentary Peoples of Central Asia”

Авторы: *; Издатель: *; Язык: English-Russian; Количество страниц: 326; Эпоха: the Stone Age; Страна: Узбекистан; Ключевые слова: кочевые и оседлые цивилизации, каменный век, средневековье, Центральная Азия, традиции, связи, этнокультурные, экономические, политические, правовые отношения;

Этот сборник посвящен проблемам взаимодействия кочевых и оседлых цивилизаций от периода каменного века до наших дней. Эти статьи основаны на докладах участников Международной конференции «Цивилизации Центральной Азии: оседлый и кочевой народы. «Традиции и современность», которая проводилась в рамках программы IICAS в Самарканде (Узбекистан) 25-28 сентября 2002 года. Первый раздел сборника посвящен изучению некоторых археологических памятников Центральной Азии, а также проблемам истории и традиционной связи оседлых и кочевых народов от древнего периода до вторжения арабов и возникновения арабского халифата. Второй раздел охватывает период средневековья. Третий раздел посвящен проблемам этнокультурных, экономических, политических, правовых и иных отношений в прошлом и настоящем.

Maverannahr on the Great Silk Road

Авторы: Буряков Ю., Грицина А.; Издатель: *; Язык: Russian; Количество страниц: 207; Эпоха: Ancient-Medieval; Страна: Узбекистан; Ключевые слова: Великий шелковый путь, Мавераннахр, Уструшана, Узбекистан, Средняя Азия, древние, средневековые, основные маршруты;

Эта книга содержит информацию об истории Великого шелкового пути и развитии основных маршрутов в Мавераннахре в древнюю и средневековую эпоху. Основное внимание уделяется территории Уструшаны, которая теперь находится в пределах Узбекистана, который находился в «тени» своих выдающихся соседей - Согда, Чача и Ферганы. Эта книга предназначена для специалистов-археологов, историков, учителей, гидов, а также для всех, кто интересуется древней и средневековой историей Центральной Азии.