Newsletter of the ICOMOS

Newsletter of the ICOMOS

Newsletter of the ICOMOS

02/06 2020

36th (Spring, 2020) Issue of the Newsletter of the ICOMOS International Conservation Center-Xi’an has been published to spread awareness on the progress related to Silk Road serial transnational nominations to the World Heritage List.

36th (Spring, 2020) Issue of the Newsletter of the ICOMOS International Conservation Center-Xi’an has been published to spread awareness on the progress related to Silk Road serial transnational nominations to the World Heritage List.
Special attention was given to the contribution IICAS made to advance the study of a few corridors and relevant sites of the Silk Road as a prerequisite for prospective nominations. In particular, the Information and Services for Silk Road Nominations section start with a detailed summary of the photogrammetry research carried out by the team of IICAS in Bukhara region of Uzbekistan in the framework of “Silk Roads: Zaravshan-Karakum Corridor” nomination.
Further, a highlight was given to the preparatory study expedition carried out by IICAS experts in Azerbaijan for the “Silk Roads: Caspian (Volga-Caspian) Corridor”. The study was performed in close cooperation and following the invitation of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Center for Silk Road Studies under the Presidium of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. As a result, 16 cultural heritage properties, of which 6 components belong to the “Caspian Corridor” and 10 components belong to “Kurin Corridor”, were studied with the use of the newest techniques and equipment.
Findings of the 2019 IICAS expedition to the site of Kesken-Kuyuk Kala in Eastern Aral Region in Kazakhstan carried out with substantial support by Dr. Christoph Baumer – head of the Society for the Exploration of EurAsia – were also briefly discussed in the Newsletter.
The Newsletter opens with a remarkable Headline marking the launch of Chinese-Uzbek cooperation to revitalize the ancient city of Khiva in Khorezm region of Uzbekistan. Thus, in January 2020, the project supported by the People’s Republic of China and aimed to carry out conservation of cultural heritage sites of Khorezm region passed the preliminary acceptance, marking another step toward successful completion of China’s first conservation and restoration project in Uzbekistan.
The full text of the 36th Issue of the Newsletter of the ICOMOS International Conservation Center-Xi’an is available for download at the website of IICAS under []
