Adoptation of the Scientific Programme for 2020-2021.

Adoptation of the Scientific Programme for 2020-2021.

Adoptation of the Scientific Programme for 2020-2021.

20/03 2020

On March 10, 2020 the General Assembly of the International Institute for Central Asian Studies adopted the Scientific Programme for 2020-2021.

On March 10, 2020 the General Assembly of the International Institute for Central Asian Studies adopted the Scientific Programme for 2020-2021. These projects were presented by the applicants under the new grant submission system. In total, IICAS received 37 applications. After a careful consideration, the Academic Council of IICAS listed 14 projects submitted by researchers from seven countries:
Monograph Publication “The Bukhara School of Architecture in the XV-XVII Centuries: Paths of Development and Distinctive Features)”;
Monograph Publication “Archeologists of Tajikistan”;
“Steppe Tribes at the Northwestern Borders of Khorezm in the VI-V Centuries BC – III-IV Centuries AD (Based on Materials from the Kazybaba-1 Burial Mound)”;
“The Site of Hisorak in Highland Matcha: Natural Scientific Analysis”;
“Artistic Metalwork of Maverannahr and Semirechye: between Arabs and Mongols”;
Scientific Publication of the Album-Catalogue “Medieval Glazed Ceramics of Ganja (IX-XIV Centuries)”;
“Made in USSR” (To the History of Inter-Ethnic Families);
“Numismatics of Chagataids in the Treasures: Two New Coin Treasures of the XIV Century. Experience of Typology and Classification”;
“Ashik Literature and Music, a Common Element among the Middle Eastern and Central Asian Countries”;
“Intercultural Communications between Central Asian Countries and Iran according to Cultural Elite’s Views: Barriers and the Solutions”;
International Scientific Conference “Iran and Central Asia in the Mirror of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mongol and Ilkhanid Era, along sides of the Silk Road”;
“Expansion of East Asian Tribes to Central Asia during IX-XII Centuries (Karakitai Khanate, Kimak Kaganate)”;
“Experience of Research, Restoration and Conservation of Historical and Cultural Sites in Kazakhstan (1982-2017)”;
“Education and Cultural Heritage: Capacity Building of Teachers for the Sustainable Development and Promotion of the Common Heritage”.
