Archaeology, history and architecture of medieval Ustrushana

Archaeology, history and architecture of medieval Ustrushana

ISBN: 978-9943-357-06-8;
Era: Gritsina, A. A., Mamadjanova, S. D., & Mukimov, R. S.;
Country : Uzbekistan;

The monograph makes the first step to generalize numerous materials on archaeology, history and architecture of Ustrushana, a medieval possession located in the geographical centre, between Sogd and Bactria, on the one hand, and Chach and Fergana, on the other. Note that this possession played a significant part in the social-economic and ethno-cultural transit between these regions, in particular, and the entire northern part of the Central Asia, as a whole.Not only did long-term archaeological explorations provide a great volume of historical data but also highlighted Ustrushana’s essential role in the process. Note that at present Ustrushana as a part of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan made its peculiar contribution to the treasury of Central Asian and the world civilization as a whole. The monograph is of interest not only to specialists, archaeologists and historians but also those who show interest in the past of Central Asian peoples.